The Building of a Custom Home - A photo feature by EAGer Web Page Design

The Building of a Custom Home
A photo feature by Eager Web Page Design


7. Mechanicals


Installing the air conditioning / heating ducts.

Installing the air conditioning / heating unit in the attic.


A view upward showing the air conditioning / heating ducts in the attic.

A view upward showing the air conditioning / heating ducts in the attic.


Installing the dryer vent.

Installing the dryer vent.


Preparing to run the sewer lines.

Preparing to run the sewer lines.


A closer view.

A closer view.


A view of the front of the house a few days later...

A view of the front of the house a few days later...


Recommended Reading


Return to the Index of Pictures of the building of the new custom home. View the next picture in the series A New Home...

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