The following are frequently asked questions
that we have received. If you have any questions that have
not been answered below, please e-mail info@eagerweb.com.
- Who can benefit from
having a Web site?
- Are there any
negative aspects of having a Web site?
Return to
the Frequently Asked Questions Index.

You can! Whether you are trying to sell
products or services or just want a personal Web page to
your friends and family updated, you can almost surely benefit
from having your own Web site. Your business Web site will
provide your customers with information about your company
24 hours a day and will be accessible all over the world.
Your domain name ("http://www.yourcompany.com")
will even offer more name recognition to your customers. You may
easily check the availability or purchase a domain name at Network Solutions
If you have a business, you probably receive
many phone calls from potential customers asking the same
basic questions. They may want more information about
your products or services, or perhaps would like to get a
price estimate. Once these potential customers have
their questions answered in one of more telephone conversations,
they may decide that your products/services are not appropriate
for them. By providing this frequently-requested, detailed
information on your Web site and directing people to your
Web site in all of your advertisements, it is very possible
that you can reduce the number of these redundant phone calls.
With a Web site, your potential customers will be happy because
they can learn about your business and make their buying decisions
in the privacy of their homes, 24 hours a day. You
will be happy because you and/or your staff can work on other
projects rather than answering the telephone.
If you are wanting to start an e-commerce Web site to sell
products, but you are unsure whether it will be successful,
there is a way to test the market before making a commitment
to set up an expensive Web site. You can easily test
your products first on an auction site, such as eBay .
Sites like this get many regular visitors, and you should
be able to determine if there is enough interest in your products
to justify setting up your own Web site. Once you are satisfied
that your products will sell, you will feel more comfortable
with the idea of starting your own Web site. If you do plan
to test some items on an auction site, you should get familiar
with how the site works as a buyer and a seller.

Web site is one of the most cost-effective ways to promote
your products and services. Unfortunately, when you have a
business Web site you may receive additional mass e-mail advertising from individuals and companies who see your Web site and are
trying to take advantage of the low cost of marketing on the
Internet. Many of these offers and companies are not
legitimate and use deceitful tactics. This type of mass, unrequested e-mail advertising is
known as "spam". Most reputable businesses
realize that it is NOT a good policy to send spam. We
encourage you to NEVER respond to them. For more information
about spam, see http://www.cs.ruu.nl/wais/html/na-dir/net-abuse-faq/spam-faq.html. If
you would like to help reduce the amount of spam, we recommend
SpamCop at http://spamcop.net. You
may also forward spam that advertises questionable/illegal
goods or services to the United
States Federal Trade Commission at uce@ftc.gov.
Several Internet Service providers, such as EarthLink ,
provide free spam filters to help reduce the amount of spam that
you receive.
Web Page Design does not allow the use of spam.
Return to
the Frequently Asked Questions Index.
