Eager Web Page Design
creates affordable, professional
Web sites and we work with you to keep the cost of your business
Web site within your budget!
Eager Web Page Design has created
a very simple pricing structure. We charge a flat hourly rate
which includes Web page design, development, scanning images, transferring
your Web site to the Web Server of your choice, testing it,
search engine optimization, registering your site with search engines, updating your Web
site, and general Internet consulting. Additional services, such as Web programming,
may be billed at higher rates. We work fast and efficiently.
We have found that charging an hourly fee
is a more efficient method of pricing than using a
separate price for each service or charging
a flat rate per page of your Web site as some other Web design companies do. One of the benefits
is that we only charge you for the time that we spend working
on your site. In other words, if you want a small, basic site
with custom graphics, the price of your Web site will be
much less than a complex dynamic Web site with many pages, custom
graphics, Web programming, etc. We realize that you may want a price estimate
for a completed Web site before you make any decisions, and
we are happy to provide you with a free estimate.
You should probably budget at least $900.00 (although the
final price may be less) for a small, professional Web site
consisting of a main page, a page describing your company,
a page describing your products/services, a frequently asked questions page, a links page, and
an e-mail form so potential customers can easily contact you.
While this price may seem high for a small site, much of this
cost is for the initial time that it takes to create a custom design
and graphics that meet your approval. Also, many years ago it was common to set up a Web page very quickly using tables to layout the design. It was very quick and there were relatively few problems with the page displaying differently in different Web browsers. Over the past few years, there has been a big push to separate the design and layout elements using CSS. There are a lot of benefits from doing this; however, it does take much more time especially since different browsers can render the styles differently.
note that once we have designed a Web site, adding additional
pages using the same design is not expensive. If you have a very small budget and are not able to afford a custom design made specifically for your business, we can create a Web site using a Web site template that may be purchased separately. Keep in mind that using templates is less expensive because the design and graphics are sold again and again, and your Web site may look identical to other Web sites that also have been created using the same template.
If you choose to use Web hosting provided
by Eager Web Page Design, we will set up your hosting
account for you as well as register your domain name if
necessary. We will also publish your site to the Web server
when it is completed. There is a one-time $40.00 setup charge for the
Web hosting account in order to set up the hosting including the DNS, e-mail, etc. Please note that we will work with any
Web hosting company that you choose; however, if you select other
Web hosting companies to host your site there may be
additional fees due to unexpected problems, for example if we need to modify your site to work on a different hosting platform.
As a courtesy to our clients, we do offer
brief consultation at no charge. Extended consultation
will be billed at our regular hourly rate.
Eager Web Page Design requires 1/2 of the Web site estimate as a deposit
to be paid in advance for most sites.
This deposit will pay for initial planning and work by graphics
designers, programmers, etc. If you are ever dissatisfied
with our service, we will refund any unused portion of this
deposit. Since we create your Web site based on the information
that you provide and we work with you until you are satisfied
with your site, once your initial deposit has been used, it
is non-refundable.
Eager Web Page Design accepts payments
by check, money order, cash, and Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, and Discover credit cards.
Invoices from Eager Web Page Design will
be sent upon completion of small projects in most cases. Invoicing
for larger or complex Web sites will be divided into several
parts. Eager Web Page Design will send reminders if payments
are not received by the due date. If an account becomes delinquent,
we may be forced to temporarily remove the site from the Internet
and/or cancel the Web hosting account.
Since we often work with smaller
clients and understand the needs of small businesses, we will be glad to give
you ideas to help keep your costs down. For example, if you
wanted to include a long description about your
on your Web site, you could provide Eager Web Page Design
with a text file of this document. You will save money since
we will only be incorporating the text into your Web page
and will not have to retype or proof-read the document. We do offer Web site editing services at an additional cost.
For additional information,
visit our getting started, frequently
asked questions, or Our Services pages.
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